Our news section will inform you about anything new on Masons' Cavies! Stay tuned!
24 November 2023
How time flies! It’s nearly December and Christmas is soon upon us. In the last couple months, a lot of new things have happened. We’re still working on our house but we also rescued several guinea pigs in August. Many of them were pregnant and so small and unwell that it broke our heart. We decided to keep the girls and rehome all the pups they gave birth to. Mark has also fulfilled his dream of getting some ducks and chicken, so if you’re interested in those, please give him a like and a follow on his Facebook page.
17 May 2023
Today was the great day! We moved our guinea pigs from our old home to our new one. We worked 3 months on their new shed and it’s fantastic. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing support of our fans. Thank you so much!
The work isn’t over yet, though. We still have to set up our rescue shed and do work on our house and garden. We’re knackered but very happy with the results so far.
6 May 2023
We haven’t been able to move the piggies into the new shed yet but a lot of progress has been made! The flooring has been fitted and the shed has been insulated and painted. Now the platforms are being put up to provide more running space. Not long until we can move the guinea pigs! So excited!
10 April 2023
We have worked hard in the last couple of weeks to move house and to set up a new shed for the guinea pigs. This week shed work will start later. We have moved our fish tank and our rainbow tree will come to the new house tomorrow. On 18 April we want to fit the flooring in the new shed and when that’s done we can move the piggies over. Yay!
24 February 2023
We’ve been so very quiet for a very good reason. It took quite some time until everything with our new house was sorted. It was very stressful and nerve-wracking but today we picked up the keys to our new home where our rescue will be set up in due time. We couldn’t have done that without the support of our fans. The love and support shown by so many people who choose to follow our social media platforms has led us to achieving something that a couple of years ago we wouldn’t have thought possible. Now the real journey begins! The best really is yet to come. Thank you so much, everyone! While were are preparing our move we won’t be able to take in any guinea pigs as it will take time for Mark to build the new guinea pig homes in our garden. We’re really sorry but as soon as we have the space, we’re happy to help where possible. We also can’t accept any visitors due to us moving. Any spare minute we have is spent on packing and moving our stuff. We often plan visits many weeks in advance due to our busy schedule, so if you want to visit us, we may be looking at summer time. Please get in touch early!
23 October 2022
It’s time for a little update again. We’re so busy that we barely notice time flying by so fast. The majority of the Skinny pigs that we took in thrived in our care but, unfortunately, some didn’t make it due to unknown reasons. We also went on a small rescue mission to find and help some guinea pigs that had been released into the wild, but we could only find one little boar who was lucky to be alive. He was so shy and skittish that it took several weeks for him to come out of his shell. He had a really nasty head wound which healed beautifully after we treated it with the help of our amazing exotic vet Adele.
At the beginning of September we put in an offer on a house which was accepted. We always wanted to find a place that belonged to us and where we could realise some of our dreams. We’re beyond excited and can’t wait to move in. It’ll give us the chance to offer more guinea pigs a home, rehome them with new families and receive visitors. Mark and I have been waiting for this day for a very long time. We want to thank everyone who has supported us over the years. You all mean a lot to us. 
27 June 2022
Sorry for the absence here on our website but the last couple months have been intense. After battling a case of pneumonia in our herd and losing several guinea pigs we felt rather low. However, now we are much better and we were able to help a pet shop that ceased trade with their skinny pigs. We split the amount of guinea pigs between us and a dear friend who also has great experience. We took on several sows of which we think six are pregnant, pups and five males. For now the skinny pigs need to settle first, mamas need to give birth and if they need any medical attention this will be caught in the next few weeks.
13 February 2022
After rehoming several rescue guinea pigs with close friends and some of our admin members, we have now taken down the rescue set-up in our living room and are now owning around 110 guinea pigs. We will be working on making our rescue set-up in the garden ready for any future guinea pigs that we need to take in and help, but for now we are not planning to take part in any rescues as we don’t have the space. Thank you to everyone who is supporting us and has supported us in the past.
27 December 2021
We have updated our gallery so you can see which new piggies are going to stay with Masons’ Cavies. In the meantime we grew to over 130 guinea pigs due to several of the females which we took in giving birth to pups.
25 December 2021
Wishing all of you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful time with your families if you can be with them.
3 December 2021
Between 11–30 November we took in over 25 guinea pigs which had been dropped off at our home once with notice and once without which put a lot of pressure on our living arrangements for the piggies. We can only take in if we have the space and if people contact us beforehand so we can let them know if we can help or not. We would always want to help but only if we can also make sure that we can offer those guinea pigs the space they need to recover from their previous living arrangements. Several guinea pigs were female and pregnant, some incredibly young and too thin to have pups.
31 October 2021
We have added a FAQ section to our website to cover our most popular questions.
2 October 2021
Our blog has been updated with a post about having a guinea pig medical box.
19 September 2021
We have been working hard at customising our new outdoor shed for our main herd and it now has an Aircon unit to guarantee our guinea pigs live in a climate-controlled environment. We have also painted the walls and fitted insulation so the next step will be to set up the new platforms. In the future we want to be able to take in guinea pigs from people who can’t look after them anymore or feel their guinea pigs would live a better life with our herd, so if you would like to rehome your guinea pig with us, please see our rehoming section on the website.
13 August 2021
Thank you everyone for your patience. We have finished moving from our old house to our new house – still in the same area so not yet our dream home – and set up the new shed for our herd. Mark has got big plans for this shed which will be realised in the following weeks. Our content for this is visible to anyone who has signed up as a Supporter on our Facebook page. Please bear with us as there are not enough hours in a day to build set-ups, organise our new house and on top manage our work and family.
14 July 2021
Hello everyone! We’re incredibly busy with packing for our move at the end of July so we’re rather quiet on here and our social media accounts. However, we’ve put up a new blog post about Masons’ Cavies here. Please let us know in the comment section of the post what you think.
7 July 2021
2 July 2021
21 June 2021
We have changed our logo to something more fresh and modern. Check it out here.
11 June 2021
Today we have opened a raffle for all of our fans worldwide. Head over to the raffle page to see what you can win and what the conditions are. Good luck to everyone taking part!
10 June 2021
We’re rehoming guinea pigs! Please see our adoption page to see which guinea pigs are available